Our Staff
AM Orthopaedics Sydney

Joined the A.M. Orthopaedics team in 2017. After many years of working in the travel industry both here and abroad, she has redirected her career to the health and medical sector.Her primary focus is on ensuring all patients are cared for and respected. Corinne looks forward to welcoming you personally to our rooms.

MBBS, MHA, FANZCA, FFICANZCA, Dip ABA, FHKCA, FHKAMDr Dennis Kerr is a senior clinician with over 35 years of experience as a specialist anesthetist. He is one of the inventors of the local infiltration analgesia technique which has allowed arthroplasty patients to have an enhanced quality of recovery and early mobility following surgery.Dr Kerr will be an integral part of your pre-operative care, peri-operative anesthetic, and post-operative recovery.