AM Orthopaedics Facilities
AM Orthopaedics Facilities
The main consulting rooms of AM Orthopaedics are located in an air-conditioned suite on the 5th floor of a commercial building in close proximity to St. George Public Hospital, St. George Private Hospital and National Day Surgery.
The building is serviced by two lifts and has a ramp from street level on the ground floor for wheelchair access.
Besides the on-street car parking, there is an underground council car park off Derby street (parallel to Belgrave street) and across the road from National Day Surgery as well as the multi-storey car parks affiliated with St. George Public Hospital.

Other Nearby Facilities

Clinical Services
Radiology services (including MRI, CT scanning and nuclear medicine) are also in close proximity.

Recovery Facilities
There are excellent physiotherapy services in the adjacent building and in the local area.