An extract from Prof Lawrence Kohan on his retirement.

I will be retiring from surgical practice on March 30, 2023 and from clinical consultations on April 21, 2023.

I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to all of the patients and referring doctors who have entrusted me with their care. It is an immense honour to be given the opportunity to improve the health and well-being, mobility and pain to those in our community. It has been something that I have not taken lightly and have been dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and support. Your confidence in my abilities and the care I have provided has been incredibly humbling and I appreciate the role that the referring doctors play in helping me and my team make a positive impact on the lives of our patients. I am thankful for your partnership and support.

I have been privileged to work with a group of highly trained, dedicated and focused medical, nursing and research staff. This sort of work cannot be undertaken successfully by one individual. Some of the improvements that we have been able to achieve over the last 39 years of my practice have been taken up in varying degrees widely all over the world. It is something of which we are all proud.

I am happy to say that the work will be carried on by my close friend and associate, Dr Sami Farah. We have been working together over the last 14 years and he has been an integral member of the team, as well as participating with the research. He is an experienced orthopaedic surgeon and will continue to provide ongoing care.